IEEE-CCISP 2025 - 2025 10th International Conference on Communication, Image and Signal Processing (CCISP 2025)
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Category control; communications; image processing; signal; signal processing
Deadline: November 20, 2025 | Date: November 23, 2025-November 25, 2025
Venue/Country: Chengdu, China
Updated: 2025-01-06 11:45:55 (GMT+9)
Call For Papers - CFP
2025 10th International Conference on Communication, Image and Signal Processing (CCISP 2025)Nov. 20-23, 2025 | Chengdu, Chinawww.ccisp.org2025 10th International Conference on Communication, Image and Signal Processing (CCISP 2025), which is organized by Asia Pacific Institute of Science and Engineering (APISE). CCISP 2025 conference will be held in Chengdu, China from Nov. 20 to 23, 2025.This conference is aimed at providing a platform for all researchers and engineers to share ideas, highly developed skills and successful practices to others. The conference will last for 3 days with the reception to be held on the first day to meet and mingle with conference chairs, session chairs and other participants.We would like to invite you to join us in this important event and share your recent advance development and research finding in Communication, Image and Signal Processing to all attendees. Besides, it is also a good opportunity for you and your family to enjoy the culture and view in Chengdu. We are looking forward to seeing you in CCISP 2025.●Publication & Indexing1) All the registered and presented papers will be submitted to the publisher for review, and papers that meet the requirements will be included in the conference proceeding(online publishing). The publisher will submit articles to Engineering Village, Scopus, Web of Science and other databases for review and indexing after publication.2) Selected papers with great extension will be recommended to publish in international journals.CCISP 2024-2017 all been indexed by EI Compendex!See Indexed history:
●CFP TopicsIncluded but not limited to:COMMUNICATION ENGINEERINGCommunication NetworksWireless CommunicationsMobile CommunicationsInfrastructure for Next Generation NetworksInformation & CommunicationCoding TheoryOptical CommunicationsInternet TechnologiesCommunication SoftwareSensor NetworksNew Communication TechnologiesVisual Arts & Visual Communication DesignMarketing CommunicationGreen CommunicationCommunication SystemsTelecommunication TechnologiesData CommunicationsInformation Technology ApplicationSatellite Communication Network Security DSP Algorithms & ArchitecturesIMAGE PROCESSINGRadar Image ProcessingSonar Image ProcessingImage AcquisitionImage Coding and CompressionVisualizationImage/video Coding and TransmissionFilter DesignFace RecognitionImage SegmentationMedical image processingImage/Video ProcessingImage FormationImage Scanning, Display, and PrintingImage/Video Storage, Retrieval, and AuthenticationImage ApplicationsMobile ImagingGeophysical and Seismic ImagingColor and Multispectral ProcessingDisplay and Printing SystemsBiometrics Authentication and Watermarking SIGNAL PROCESSINGDigital Signal Processing (DSP)Optimization for Estimation & ModelingSignal Analysis for Big DataTime-Varying Signal ProcessingAdaptive Filtering & RestorationArray Signal ProcessingHardware Implementation for SPSpeech Coding & RecognitionQ & A System and Speech Retrieval Image Processing & UnderstandingSparse Representation & Feature Detections2D/3D Video Compression & RetrievalComputer Vision & VRMultimedia & Human-computer InteractionMachine Learning & Pattern RecognitionAI & Deep LearningCommunication Signal ProcessingSP for Social Media and InternetBiometrics & AuthentificationSP for Bio-medical & Cognitive ScienceSP for Bio-informatics●Notification1) Manuscripts must be written in English;2) The manuscript should be written in accordance with the standard of template;3) The topics of paper should be relevant to conference topics;4) Plagiarism and Duplicate submission are prohibited;5) Innovation and scientific value is a must.●Submission MethodSubmission system:
●Other Ways to Participate1. Presenter: If you are interested in giving presentation on conference, without publishing your paper in the proceeding, you need to submit the abstract and title of your presentation to us.2. Listener: You are welcome to attend this great event. You need to complete the registration as Listener before the registration deadline. Send email to us for further information.3. Reviewer: We sincerely welcome experts in the areas above join the conference as reviewer.●About the VenueChengdu, mixing historical charm with modern fashion, embodies both fast tempo and slow pace, as well as elegance and avantgarde. It has continously been the the happiest city in China for many years and also been recognized as the country's most secure city. With the unique life aesthetics nurtured in itself, Chengdu is a city you never want to leave once you set your foot in. ●Contact UsMs. Minnie Yang E-mail:ccisp@apise.orgTel: +86-17723329879WeChat: 17358663189Website:
Keywords: Accepted papers list. Acceptance Rate. EI Compendex. Engineering Index. ISTP index. ISI index. Impact Factor.
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