ICBBS 2025 - 14th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Science (ICBBS 2025)
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Category Bioinformatics and Biomedical Science
Deadline: September 10, 2025 | Date: October 17, 2025-October 19, 2025
Venue/Country: Xiamen, China
Updated: 2024-11-28 16:59:24 (GMT+9)
Call For Papers - CFP
Full Name: 2025 14th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Science (ICBBS 2025)Abbreviation: ICBBS 20252025 14th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Science (ICBBS 2025) will be held during October 17-19, 2025 in Xiamen, China. ICBBS 2025 is organized by National Institute for Data Science in Health and Medicine, Xiamen University, patroned by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, CIRMIS: Interdepartmental Research Center on Management and Innovation in Healthcare, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Guangxi University. Conference Website: http://icbbs.org/
Publication and IndexingIn the past 7 years, papers of ICBBS have been published in ACM Conference Proceedings, indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus. Papers of ICBBS 2025 will be published in International Conference Proceedings, indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus, and submitted to be reviewed by CPCI.Shining Points of ICBBS1. Distinguished experts in the field, such as Prof. Limsoon Wong (ACM Fellow) from National University of Singapore, Prof. Bing Zhang from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Prof. An-Yuan Guo from West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Prof. Stephen Kwok-Wing Tsui from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, etc. have participated and delivered talks at ICBBS.2. ICBBS has been held annually for 13 years. Previously, it has been successfully held in Hong Kong (offline+online), Nanning (Online), Xiamen (Online), Beijing, Shenzhen, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Copenhagen, Bali and Singapore.Academic visit of ICBBS 2025 (The specific itinerary will be planned according to the final conference schedule):1. Xiamen University campus and laboratories;2. Xiamen Island Call for Participants1. For authors, you are welcomed to submit Full Papers for presentation and publication or Abstracts for presentation only at: http://confsys.iconf.org/submission/icbbs2025
.2. For listeners, welcome to join ICBBS 2025 by completing the registration at http://confsys.iconf.org/register/icbbs2025
3. For Phd holders, welcome to join ICBBS 2025 as the Invited Speakers. You can send your latest CV and speech abstract to icbbs@cbees.org for review. Confeence Topics inlcude but not limited toI. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology: Genomics, Transcriptomics, and Proteomics; Sequence Analysis and Alignment; Structural BioinformaticsComparative Genomics; Systems Biology and Network Analysis; Metagenomics and Microbiome Analysis; Next-Generation Sequencing Data Analysis; Machine Learning and Data Mining in BioinformaticsII. Biomedical Data Analysis and Visualization: Biomedical Data Integration and Warehousing; Biomedical Data Mining and Knowledge DiscoveryVisualization and Visual Analytics in Biomedicine; Biomedical Ontologies and Semantics; Clinical Decision Support Systems; Predictive Modeling and Biomarker Discovery; Biomedical Data Privacy and Security; Deep Learning for Biomedical Data AnalysisIII. Medical Image Analysis and Computer-Aided Diagnosis: Image Segmentation and Registration; Feature Extraction and Pattern Recognition; Image-Based Modeling and Simulation; Computer-Aided Detection and Diagnosis; Radiomics and Radiogenomics; Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis;Image-Guided Intervention and SurgeryIV. Computational Drug Discovery and Systems Pharmacology: Virtual Screening and Docking; QSAR and Pharmacophore Modeling; Drug Repurposing and Combination Therapy; Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine; Systems Pharmacology and Toxicology; Drug-Target Interaction Prediction;Chemoinformatics and Chemical BiologyV. Biomedical Text Mining and Natural Language Processing: Biomedical Text Mining and Information Extraction; Biomedical Text Classification and Clustering; Named Entity Recognition and Entity Linking; Biomedical Ontology Development; Biomedical Question Answering Systems; Text Mining for Drug Discovery and Adverse Event Detection; Biomedical Knowledge Representation and ReasoningVI. Translational Bioinformatics and Precision Medicine: Translational Research and Bench-to-Bedside Applications; Biomarker Discovery and ValidationClinical Genomics and Transcriptomics; Pharmacogenomics and Pharmacogenetics; Electronic Health Records and Data Sharing; Clinical Trials and Patient Stratification; Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues in Precision MedicineMore topics can be found at http://icbbs.org/cfp.html
Submission and Contact MethodsElectronic Submission System: http://confsys.iconf.org/submission/icbbs2025
E-mail: icbbs@cbees.orgTel: +852-3500-0799 (EN)/+86-28-86528465 (CN)Conference Secretary: Ms. Kira Yue
Keywords: Accepted papers list. Acceptance Rate. EI Compendex. Engineering Index. ISTP index. ISI index. Impact Factor.
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