ICOMS 2025 - 8th International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics (ICoMS 2025)
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Category Mathematics and Statistics
Deadline: August 30, 2025 | Date: September 05, 2025-September 07, 2025
Venue/Country: Athens, Greece
Updated: 2024-11-28 16:48:27 (GMT+9)
Call For Papers - CFP
Full Name: 2025 8th International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics (ICoMS 2025)Abbreviation: ICoMS 20252025 8th International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics (ICoMS 2025) to be held in Athens, Greece during September 5-7, 2025. It can provide a platform for academic communication in Mathematics and Statistics and related areas. The papers of ICoMS have been published in ACM Conference Proceedings and indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus for 6 years. Conference Website: www.icoms.orgPaper PublicationICoMS 2025 International Conference Proceedings, indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus, and submitted to be reviewed by CPCI.Shining Points of ICoMS1. Renowned experts in the field, such as Prof. Peter Cameron, Prof. R. A. Bailey, and Prof. Jochen Merker, etc. have participated and delivered talks at ICoMS.2. ICoMS has been held in Europe for 8 years, featuring diverse formats including oral presentations, poster sessions, and academic visits, etc.3. ICoMS 2025 will host an academic visit to renowned universities and attractions in Athens (it will be arranged according to the detailed conference schedule).Topics including, but not limited to the following1. Mathematical Modeling and Computer Science Applications: Computational mathematical methods and algorithms; Numerical computation and optimization methods; Application of mathematical models in computer science; Computer-aided proof and verification2. Data Science and Statistical Computing: Big data analysis and mining; Statistical learning and machine learning; Data visualization and visual analytics; Statistical computing and computational statistics3. Computational Statistics and Statistical Computing: Computational methods for statistical inference and modeling; High-performance computing in statistics; Statistical software and programming languages; Computer-based statistical methods and experimental design4. Computer Vision and Image Processing: Image recognition and classification; Object detection and tracking; Image segmentation and reconstruction; Computer vision algorithms and applications5. Computer Networks and Security: Network analysis and modeling; Network security and privacy protection; Network optimization and performance evaluation; Computer-based network management and controlMore topics can be found at https://www.icoms.org/cfp.html
Submission and Contact MethodsElectronic Submission System: http://confsys.iconf.org/submission/icoms2025
E-mail: icoms@cbees.netTel: +852-3500-0799Conference Secretary: Ms. Kira Yue
Keywords: Accepted papers list. Acceptance Rate. EI Compendex. Engineering Index. ISTP index. ISI index. Impact Factor.
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