2024 5th International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering(ICAMME 2024)
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Category Applied Mechanics; Mechanical Engineering
Deadline: December 20, 2024 | Date: December 22, 2024-December 24, 2024
Venue/Country: China
Updated: 2024-08-29 17:06:22 (GMT+9)
Call For Papers - CFP
CALL FOR PAPERSI. Applied Mechanics◔ Mechanics and Engineering◔ Elastic Mechanics◔ Solid Mechanics◔ Fluid Mechanics◔ Hydraulics◔ Structural Mechanics◔ Mechanics of Explosion◔ Aerodynamics◔ Material Modeling◔ Force Analysis◔ Resistance and Propulsion◔ Computational Mechanics◔ Materials Mechanics◔ Plastic, Fracture, and Damage Mechanics◔ Contact Mechanics◔ Mechanical Analysis and Application◔ Mechanics of Machinery◔ Theoretical and Applied MechanicsII.Mechanical Engineering◔ Engineering Design◔ Machinery and Machine Elements◔ Mechanical Structures and Stress Analysis◔ Automotive Engineering◔ Engine Technology◔ Aerospace Technology and Astronautics◔ Mechanical Intelligent Control and Robotics◔ Mechatronics◔ Dynamical Systems and Control◔ Industrial Manufacturing◔ Materials Engineering◔ Tribology and Surface Technology◔ Mechanical Noise and Control◔ Deformation and Fracture of Materials◔ Precision Machining Technology◔ Mechanics of Robots◔ Mechanics of Manipulation and Grasp◔ Mechanical and Mechanics Properties◔ Mechanical Structure Deformation and Damage◔ Mechanical Engineering Structural Experimental Mechanics◔ Mechanical Structure Load-Bearing and Analysis◔ Mechanical Engineering Structural Design and Reinforcement◔ Mechanical Engineering Design and Optimization◔ Engine and Power Systems◔ Advanced Numerical Control Technology and Equipment
Keywords: Accepted papers list. Acceptance Rate. EI Compendex. Engineering Index. ISTP index. ISI index. Impact Factor.
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