ICVARS 2025 - 9th International Conference on Virtual and Augmented Reality Simulations (ICVARS 2025)
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Category Virtual and Augmented Reality Simulations
Deadline: June 15, 2025 | Date: July 25, 2025-July 27, 2025
Venue/Country: Birmingham, U.K.
Updated: 2024-09-05 17:18:10 (GMT+9)
Call For Papers - CFP
★Full Name: 2025 9th International Conference on Virtual and Augmented Reality Simulations★Abbreviation: ICVARS 2025★Time:July 25-27, 2025★Place:Birmingham, UK★Website:http://www.icvars.org/★Publication★Accepted and presented papers will be published in ICVARS 2025 Conference Proceedings, which will be published in International Conference Proceedings Series by ACM and archived in ACM Digital Library. The proceedings will be indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus, and submitted to be reviewed by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI Web of Science).★Call for Paper★Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to: Virtual Reality ApplicationsAugmented Reality ApplicationsSimulation Design and EngineeringInteractive TechnologiesComputer Games and Game EngineeringMotion Capture and TrackingUser Interface DesignHuman-Computer InteractionUbiquitous Computing including practical, technical, empirical and theoretical aspectsFor details about topics, please visit at http://www.icvars.org/cfp.html★Conference Committee★**Conference ChairManolya Kavakli, Aston University, UK**Conference Co-ChairStephan Böhm, RheinMain University, Germany**Conference Program ChairsHui Yu, University of Glasgow, UKJean-Rémy CHARDONNET, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, France**Conference Program Co-ChairsPanogiatis Petridis, Aston University, UKYap Hwa Jen, University of Malaya, Malaysia**Conference Publication ChairFrederic Merienne, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, France**Local CommitteeAntonio Fratini, Aston University, UKSeif Allah Nasri, Aston University, UKUlysses Bernardet, Aston University, UK★Submission Methods★1. Full Paper(publication and Presentation)2. Abstract(Presentation Only)Note: Only Full paper submission will be published in conference proceedings if accepted.Online Submission System: https://www.zmeeting.org/submission/icvars2025More detail about submission, please visit at http://www.icvars.org/sub.html ★Contact Us★Conference Secretary: Ms. Elvira LiuE-mail: icvars@163.comTel: +001(559)-8624927 (office time 10:00 - 17:30, Time zone: GMT+8 | Monday to Friday)
Keywords: Accepted papers list. Acceptance Rate. EI Compendex. Engineering Index. ISTP index. ISI index. Impact Factor.
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