DRPT 2024 - The Sixth DRPT International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies (DRPT 2024)
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Category Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies
Deadline: July 10, 2024 | Date: August 18, 2024-August 21, 2024
Venue/Country: Anyang, China
Updated: 2024-05-29 17:02:11 (GMT+9)
Call For Papers - CFP
The Sixth DRPT International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies (DRPT 2024)August 18-21, 2024 | Wanquan Lake, Anyang【About Conference】The Sixth DRPT International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies is scheduled to take place on August 18-21, 2024 at Wanquan Lake, Anyang, Henan, China.The Sixth International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies, which will provide a platform for researchers, experts, and engineers in the fields of electrical power industry to exchange their research and ideas of electrical power technologies and mechanisms. The scopes of DRPT conference include Electricity Grid and Markets, Planning and Management, Renewable Systems, Operation, Disaster Prevention and Safety, Smart devices and equipment, Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining and other related topics.DRPT International Inc. is a non-profit organization the aims of which include promoting research and development in the modern and future generation, transmission and utilization of power and energy through organization of international conferences, workshops, and symposia, and encouragement of research through the provision of scholarships or fellowships to postgraduate students and post doctoral fellows.【Conference Proceedings】Submissions will be reviewed by the conference technical committees, and accepted papers will be published in DRPT 2024 International Conference Proceedings, which will be submitted to major databases for indexing.【Conference Theme】Advanced Techniques and Market Mechanism for Renewable-Rich Power System【Organizers】Zhengzhou University of Light IndustryZhejiang University, Hainan Institute, China【Supporters】Zhengzhou UniversityNorth China University of Water Resources and Electric PowerHenan Polytechnic University【Conference Committee】◆Honorary General ChairProf. Shizhong Wei, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, China◆Conference ChairsProf. Ping He, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, ChinaProf. Fushuan Wen, Zhejiang University, China◆Conference Co-ChairsProf. S.N. Singh, IEEE Fellow, Indian Institute of Technology (Kanpur), IndiaProf. Ahmed Abu-Siada, Curtin University, AustraliaProf. Xian Cheng, Zhengzhou University, ChinaProf. Hongtao Zhang, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, ChinaDr. Chun Sing Lai, Brunel University, UK◆Organization CommitteeChairsProf. Yanfeng Wang, Zhengzhou University of Light IndustryProf. Zhenzhi Lin, Zhejiang University, ChinaProf. Wanlin Han, Power System Protection and Control Press, ChinaCo-ChairsProf. Yang Jin, Zhengzhou University, ChinaProf. Ming Yang, Shandong University, ChinaProf. Yanli Liu, Tianjin University, ChinaProf. Yunfeng Yan, Hainan Institute, Zhejiang University, ChinaFor the completed commitee list please visit https://drpt2024.org
【Conference Topics】Load Forecasting, Energy Forecasting, Electricity and Carbon Price ForecastingPower System Investment, Planning and ManagementPower System Operation and SimulationPower System Control and ProtectionPower System Security, Stability, Reliability and ResiliencyPower System Alarm Processing, Fault Diagnosis and System RestorationActive Distribution Networks and DC Distribution NetworksIntegrated Energy System and Energy InternetHVDC transmissionFACTsRenewable Generation and Distributed Energy ResourcesComputational Intelligence, Big Data, ICT and Blockchain Applications in Smart GridsEmerging Advanced Technologies and End-user SystemsMicrogrids, Standalone Power Systems and Virtual Power PlantsPolicy, Electricity Market, Innovative Business Mechanism, Policy/Regulatory AspectsPeer-to-peer Energy Trading and Transactive Energy ManagementSmart Homes, Buildings and Cities and Cyber SecurityCondition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis TechniquesIoT Enabled Energy SystemsHigh Voltage TechnologyPower System Solutions Towards a Net-Zero FutureEnergy Efficiency and Low Carbon EmissionPower Electronics Application in Power SystemsAerospace Power ElectronicsEnergy Storage SystemsPower Equipment Maintenance and Asset ManagementAdvanced Sensing and MeasurementCyber Security for Power SystemsTransportation ElectrificationElectric Motors and Control SystemsElectrical Engineering Education【Paper Submission】DRPT 2024 accepts both full paper and abstract submission. Please note that the abstract will NOT be published. For more information, please visit the following web page: https://www.drpt2024.org/sub.html
【Contact Us】Conference Website: https://www.drpt2024.org
Secretary: Ms. Vivian LeeTelephone: +86-19136140052Email: drpt@youngac.cn
Keywords: Accepted papers list. Acceptance Rate. EI Compendex. Engineering Index. ISTP index. ISI index. Impact Factor.
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