年会议论文 2030 - 2024年会议论文征稿 长期征稿 会议论文 丛书论文集 高录用 出版快
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Category 2024年会议论文征稿 长期征稿 会议论文 丛书论文集 高录用 出版快
Deadline: December 20, 2030 | Date: December 23, 2030-December 25, 2030
Venue/Country: wuhan, China
Updated: 2024-04-18 20:00:29 (GMT+9)
Call For Papers - CFP
2024年会议论文征稿 长期征稿 会议论文 丛书论文集 高录用 出版快与国内外部分高校,外企,科研机构有会议合作关系 每月均会提交会议论文至不同出版社出版,与多家世界知名出版集团建立了良好的合作关系,如IEEE Press, IEEE CS CPS, Springer, Elsevier, IOP, Academic Press, ASME, American Scientific Publishing, SPIE, CRC Press / Balkema, DEStech Publications, TTP and Atlantis Press等, 且可推荐优秀学术论文至知名国际期刊发表.协助出版 EI Compendex、Web of Science 或 Scopus 会议/丛书 论文集组织会议涉及大量的后勤工作,这通常似乎需要组织的所有能力。我们工作的目标是让科学和学术活动的组织者完全专注于他们的活动内容,将所有后勤细节留给我们。在科学计量数据库 EI Compendex、Web of Science、Scopus 中发表一系列科学会议论文集最快35天完成 EI Compendex、Web of Science、Scopus 系列科学论文出版网址:http://www.cfp.edu.pl/pub/conf.html 2024第7届财务管理、教育与社会科学国际会议(FMESS 2024)2024 7th International Conference on Financial Management, Education and Social Science (FMESS 2024)DRP《Journal of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences》ISSN: 2771-2907出版2024第6届创新经济管理与社会科学国际会议(IEMSS 2024)2024 6th International Conference on Innovations in Economic Management and Social Science (IEMSS 2024)DRP《Highlights in Business, Economics and Management》ISSN: 2957-952X出版2024第2届心理科学与高等教育国际会议(PSHE 2024)2024 2nd International Conference on Psychological Science and Higher Education (PSHE 2024)DRP《Journal of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences》ISSN: 2771-2907出版2024第3届会计监管与全球商业管理国际会议(GAGBM 2024)2024 3rd International Conference on Governance of Accounting and Global Business Management (GAGBM 2024)DRP《Highlights in Business, Economics and Management》ISSN: 2957-952X出版2024第3届教育改革、人文与社会研究国际会议(ERHSS 2024)2024 3rd International Conference on Education Reform, Humanities and Social Studies (ERHSS 2024)WEP《Transactions on Social Science, Education and Humanities Research》ISSN: 2960-1770出版2024第6届全球经济与企业管理国际会议(GEBM 2024)2024 6th International Conference on Global Economy and Business Management (GEBM 2024)DRP《Highlights in Business, Economics and Management》ISSN: 2957-952X出版2024第4届艺术、法律与社会科学国际会议(ALSS 2024)2024 4th International Conference on Arts, Law and Social Sciences (ALSS 2024)DRP《Journal of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences》ISSN: 2771-2907出版2024第4届财政经济学与投资管理国际会议(FEIM 2024)2024 4th International Conference on Financial Economics and Investment Management (FEIM 2024)DRP《Highlights in Business, Economics and Management》ISSN: 2957-952X出版2023第6届教育、管理与商业信息化国际会议(IEMB 2023)2023 6th International Conference on Informatization in Education, Management and Business (IEMB 2023)DRP《Journal of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences》ISSN: 2771-2907出版2023创新管理、心理学、教育与社会学国际会议(IMPES 2023)2023 International Conference on Innovation Management, Psychology, Education and Sociology (IMPES 2023)DRP《Journal of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences》ISSN: 2771-2907出版2024第6届材料科学、机械与能源工程国际会议(MSMEE 2024)2024 6th International Conference on Materials Science, Machinery and Energy Engineering (MSMEE 2024)DRP《Highlights in Science, Engineering and Technology》ISSN: 2791-0210出版2024第2届计算机、机器学习与人工智能国际会议(CMLAI 2024)2024 2nd International Conference on Computer, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (CMLAI 2024)DRP《Highlights in Science, Engineering and Technology》ISSN: 2791-0210出版2024第2届食品、生物技术与环境技术国际会议(FBET 2024)2024 2nd International Conference on Food Biotechnology and Environmental Technology (FBET 2024)DRP《Highlights in Science, Engineering and Technology》ISSN: 2791-0210出版2024第3届软件、数据处理与信息技术国际会议(SDPIT 2024)2024 3rd International Conference on Software, Data Processing and Information Technology (SDPIT 2024)DRP《Highlights in Science, Engineering and Technology》ISSN: 2791-0210出版2024第8届环境科学与材料应用国际会议(ESMA 2024)2024 8th International Conference on Environmental Science and Material Application (ESMA 2024)DRP《Highlights in Science, Engineering and Technology》ISSN: 2791-0210出版2024第5届电子科学与自动化控制国际会议(ESAC 2024)2024 5th International Conference on Electronic Science and Automation Control (ESAC 2024)DRP《Highlights in Science, Engineering and Technology》ISSN: 2791-0210出版2024第2届土木工程、建筑与交通运输国际会议(CEAT 2024)2024 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Transportation (CEAT 2024)DRP《Highlights in Science, Engineering and Technology》ISSN: 2791-0210出版2024第3届生物技术、生命科学与医学工程国际会议(BLSME 2024)2024 3rd International Conference on Biotechnology, Life Science and Medical Engineering (BLSME 2024)WEP《Transactions on Materials, Biotechnology and Life Sciences》ISSN: 2960-1932出版2024第3届数理统计、物理科学与电信系统国际研讨会(IFMPT 2024)2024 3rd International Forum on Mathematical Statistics, Physical Sciences and Telecommunication System (IFMPT 2024)DRP《Highlights in Science, Engineering and Technology》ISSN: 2791-0210出版10th International Symposium on Social Science (ISSS 2024)第十届社会科学国际会议 (ISSS 2024)第二届流体动力学与计算科学国际研讨会 (FDCS 2023)2nd International Symposium on Fluid Dynamics and Computational Science (FDCS 2023)6th International Conference on Business, Economics, Management Science (BEMS 2024)第六届商业,经济,管理科学国际会议 (BEMS 2024)6th International Conference on Art, Design and Cultural Studies (ADCS 2024)第六届艺术, 设计与文化研究国际会议 (ADCS 2024)9th International Conference on Energy Science and Applied Technology (ESAT 2024)第九届能源科学与应用技术国际会议 (ESAT 2024)6th International Conference on Materials Science and Industrial Applications (MSIA 2024)第六届材料科学与工业应用国际会议 (MSIA 2024)8th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Industrial Applications (FMIA 2024)第八届流体力学与工业应用国际会议 (FMIA 2024)2024第9届网络安全与信息工程国际会议(ICCSIE 2024)2024 9th International Conference on Cyber Security and Information Engineering (ICCSIE 2024)2024第6届计算机与数据科学国际会议(ICCDS 2024)2024 6th International Conference on Computing and Data Science (ICCDS 2024)2024第6届计算机与数据科学国际会议(ICCDS 2024)2024 6th International Conference on Computing and Data Science (ICCDS 2024)2024第5届计算机、信息处理与先进教育国际会议(CIPAE 2024)2024 5th International Conference on Computers, Information Processing and Advanced Education (CIPAE 2024)2024第6届电力、智能计算与系统国际会议(ICPICS 2024)2024 IEEE 6th International Conference on Power, Intelligent Computing and Systems (ICPICS 2024)2024 第2届图像处理与计算机应用国际会议(ICIPCA 2024)2024 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Image Processing and Computer Applications (ICIPCA 2024)2024第4届电子技术、通信与信息国际会议(ICETCI 2024)2024 IEEE 4th International Conference on Electronic Technology, Communication and Information (ICETCI 2024)2024第2届控制、电子和计算机技术国际会议(ICCECT 2024)2024 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Control, Electronics and Computer Technology (ICCECT 2024)2024第3届电气工程、大数据与算法国际会议(EEBDA 2024)2024 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Big Data and Algorithms (EEBDA 2024)2024第4届亚太通信技术与计算机科学会议(ACCTCS 2024)2024 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications Technology and Computer Science (ACCTCS 2024)2024第4届电力、电子与计算机应用国际会议(ICPECA 2024)2024 IEEE 4th International Conference on Power, Electronics and Computer Applications (ICPECA 2024)协助出版 EI Compendex、Web of Science 或 Scopus 会议/丛书 论文集科学期刊、书籍和会议记录。 提供科学、技术,医学,社会科学,艺术及人文科学领域 学术出版一站式服务每月均会提交会议论文至不同出版社出版,与多家世界知名出版集团建立了良好的合作关系IEEE Press,IEEE CS CPS,Springer,Elsevier,IOP,Academic Press,ASME,American Scientific Publishing,SPIE,CRC Press / Balkema,DEStech Publications,TTP和Atlantis Press等业务服务范围:① Scopus (Elsevier) .EI Compendex. ISI Web of Science(SCIE.SSCI.AHCI) 外文核心期刊;②EI Compendex. Web of Science (Proceeding).Scopus 会议论文/丛书;(定制普通学术会议出版;会议论文出版发布可定制的发表形式 :线上、印刷本、会议U盘等研讨会/丛书论文集系列); ③英文普刊系列(符合要求:公开发行的外文学术期刊 (有刊号) 一般学术外文期刊,可预定期刊版面 (定制服务);)④提供丰富的编辑服务,比如CrossCheck论文查重,英语润色,排版服务,同行评审,附带视频的论文发表等; SCIE.SSCI论文量化考核;科研绩效统计等等。⑤期刊纸质版刊物 Publication Retail出版物零售;(提供全球顶级出版机构 SCI期刊封面/版权页/目录/文章复印件 期刊样刊原件)⑥SCI、SSCI、A&HCI、EI、CSSCI、CPCI-S(ISTP)、CPCI-SSH(ISSHP)检索证明,刊源证明等;在科学计量数据库 EI Compendex、Web of Science、Scopus 中发表一系列科学论文网址:http://www.cfp.edu.pl/pub/conf.html http://www.researchi.org/ 外文期刊《国际英文普刊.(包括:期刊、会议期刊、丛书、专著)期刊协调员 期刊职业经理人 QQ:1422679111 QQ:332589853 QQ: 632172436(拒绝闲聊 非诚勿扰)
Keywords: Accepted papers list. Acceptance Rate. EI Compendex. Engineering Index. ISTP index. ISI index. Impact Factor.
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