EI COMPENDEX * INSPEC 4050 - Ei Compendex /Conference Proceedings Citation index All Proceedings Scientific conference
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Category Ei Compendex * Inspec - IET * GEOBASE * GeoRef - AGI * US Patent - USPTO & EU Patents - EPO * NTIS * EnCompassLIT & EnCompassPAT * Paperchem * CBNB * Chimica*Conference Proceedings Citation index*
Deadline: July 14, 4050 | Date: July 16, 4050
Venue/Country: Tokyo, Japan
Updated: 2018-08-09 10:52:17 (GMT+9)
Call For Papers - CFP
Why Engineering VillageEngineering Village is an essential resource for students, researchers and faculty to stay up-to-date in their field, acquire knowledge in new areas, set up research proposals and write papers. It is the leading information discovery platform specifically designed by and for the engineering community. By using Engineering Village, engineers gain easy access to information and can be confident search results are relevant, complete, accurate and of high quality.Ei CompendexEi Compendex is the broadest and most complete engineering literature database available in the world. It provides a truly holistic and global view of peer reviewed and indexed publications with over 20 million records from 77 countries across 190 engineering disciplines. Every record is carefully selected and indexed using the Engineering Index Thesaurus to ensure discovery and retrieval of engineering-specific literature that engineering students and professionals can rely on. By using Ei Compendex, engineers can be confident information is relevant, complete, accurate and of high quality.Ei Compendex related areasApplied Physics, including OpticsBioengineering and BiotechnologyFood Science and TechnologyMaterials ScienceInstrumentation, including Medical DevicesNanotechnologyWhy Ei Compendex on Engineering VillageEi Compendex is indexed specifically for engineers using the Engineering Index Thesaurus, making search results consistently accurate and relevant to engineering research. Engineering Village's powerful search tools leverage Ei Compendex's controlled vocabulary, making it quick and easy for users to refine their searches and gain insight from results.Other unique features available only on Engineering Village are:Citation counts, citation details and author profiles from ScopusPublisher search, limit to or exclude featureEi Backfiles for publications between 1884 - 1969Articles in press from 1,260 journalsInspec ArchiveInspec can be supplemented with the Inspec Archive to extend coverage. Records in the archive are often much longer than present day records and often contain diagrams and mathematical proofs. These Science Abstracts series of engineering journals were the precursor to the Inspec engineering research database and cover 837,000 records dating back to 1898. Its records have been digitized and indexed for fast, effective searching and are enhanced with current day Inspec Thesaurus terms and Classification codes.Conference Proceedings Citation indexConference proceedings depict the leading edge of research — revealing emerging trends and new ideas before they appear in journals.The Conference Proceedings Citation Index, a Web of Science™ Core Collection database, lets you use cited reference searching to see the full impact of conferences and other professional meetings. You can track the influence of papers, authors, and conference series. And you can see how conferences influence all aspects of your research.以专著、丛书、预印本、期刊、报告等形式出版的国际会议论文文摘及参考文献索引信息,涉及自然科学和工程技术的所有领域。征稿信息-按学科分类: 医学、卫生和保健 工程学 环境科学 地球科学 信息技术 社会科学 商业、经济和管理 通信技术 物理 艺术和人文 材料科学与冶金 农业科学 化学 数学 生命科学 法律 图书馆与情报学 1. 若干出版社的会议征稿,EI,cpci,cnki等检索(因出版社不同,文理不同,检索有所不同);2. 英文普刊征稿,谷歌学术等检索(无ei,sci检索);3. 部分会议主题的优秀稿件,可以推荐至SCI, EI检索的期刊发表(出版无会议信息)。4. 投稿作者翻译服务;5. 检索作者检索证明开具服务;联系信息:QQ:1422679111E-Mail:info@ietr.vipQQ群:336456792 427299873Website:http://www.ietr.vip/web.html
Keywords: Accepted papers list. Acceptance Rate. EI Compendex. Engineering Index. ISTP index. ISI index. Impact Factor.
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