CLAUSIUSPRESS 2025 - Clausius Scientific Press Inc
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Category 双月刊,征稿范围:电子、电气大类控制论、信息技术,信息系统、信息处理、运筹学、模式识别、SCI与SCIE双刊源,IF约为1左右,中科院2-3区,见刊速度相对较快 信号处理、图像处理、人工智能、语言建模、控制理论、通信技术
Deadline: October 31, 2025 | Date: October 31, 2025
Venue/Country: wuhan, China
Updated: 2018-07-09 17:26:05 (GMT+9)
Call For Papers - CFP
QQ:1422679111 TEL:13212744212QQ群:336456792 427299873Agriculture & Food ScienceAdvances in Food Science and Human NutritionAgricultural Mechanization, Electrification and AutomationBotany and Zoology FrontiersFocus on Plant ProtectionFood Chemistry, Processing, and StorageJournal of Modern Crop ScienceJournal of Privacy, Trust and SecurityJournal of Radio and WirelessPlant Nutrition & Soil Science InternationalWater-Soil, Biological Environment and EnergyArchitecture & Civil EngineeringAdvances in Naval Architecture and Ocean EngineeringBridge and Structural EngineeringComputer Aided Architecture DesignHeating, Ventilation and Air ConditioningIndoor Air Quality and ClimateJournal of Civil Engineering and Urban PlanningJournal of Disaster Prevention and ReductionJournal of Municipal EngineeringLandscape and Urban HorticultureSoil Mechanics and Geotechnical EngineeringAstronomy, Aviation & AerospaceAerospace and ElectronicsAstrometry and Celestial MechanicsAstrophysics InternationalGuidance, Navigation and ControlInformation Fusion, Control and DecisionJournal of System Reliability, Maintainability and SafetyTransactions on Aeronautics and AstronauticsChemistry & MaterialsAdvances in Fuel CellAdvances in Magnetism and Magnetic MaterialsAnalytical Chemistry: A JournalCasting, Welding and SolidificationCeramic and Glass TechnologyChemistry and Physics of PolymersComposites and Nano EngineeringCorrosion and Wear of MaterialsDiamond and Carbon MaterialsFluids, Heat and Mass TransferForging and FormingHigh Performance Structures and MaterialsInorganic Chemistry: A JournalInternational Journal of GeochemistryJournal of Biomaterials and BiomechanicsJournal of Heat Treatment and Surface EngineeringJournal of Materials, Processing and DesignMetallic foamsModern Physical Chemistry ResearchOrganic Chemistry: A JournalPlasticity FrontiersProgress in Materials Chemistry and PhysicsRheology LettersSmart Structures, Materials and SystemsTransactions on Industrial CatalysisTransactions on Metals and AlloysTrends in Biochemical EngineeringComputer & ElectricsAdvances in Computer, Signals and SystemsAutomation and Machine LearningBig Data Analysis and Cloud ComputingCloud and Service-Oriented ComputingCollaborative and Social ComputingComputing, Performance and Communication SystemsCrypto and Information SecurityData and Knowledge EngineeringElectrical Insulation and DielectricsFile and Storage TechnologiesFrontiers in Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionFrontiers in Genetic and Evolutionary ComputationInternational Journal of Computer and Communications SecurityInternational Journal of Network and Communication TechnologyInternet of Things (IoT) and Engineering ApplicationsJournal of Artificial Intelligence PracticeJournal of Cluster and Grid ComputingJournal of Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive ComputingJournal of Communication, Control and ComputingJournal of Computer Architecture and DesignJournal of Database SystemsJournal of Electrotechnology, Electrical Engineering and ManagementJournal of High-VoltageJournal of Image Processing Theory and ApplicationsJournal of Modeling, Analysis and SimulationJournal of Multimedia TechniquesJournal of Network Computing and ApplicationsJournal of Networking, Architecture and StorageJournal of Neural Information ProcessingJournal of Parallel and Distributed ProcessingJournal of Software Engineering and MetricsJournal of Ubiquitous and Future NetworksJournal of Virtual Reality and Artificial IntelligenceJournal of Web Systems and ApplicationsJournal of Wireless Sensors and Sensor NetworksKnowledge Discovery and Data Mining LettersKnowledge Representation and Automated ReasoningLecture Notes on Wireless Networks and CommunicationsMobile Computing and NetworkingNatural Language Processing and Speech RecognitionOptical Network Design and ModelingPower Systems ComputationProgramming Languages and Operating SystemsReview of Information Display TechniquesVehicle Power and PropulsionVisual Communications and Image ProcessingVisualization TechniquesEconomics & ManagementAccounting and Corporate ManagementAccounting, Auditing and FinanceAgricultural & Forestry Economics and ManagementFinancial Engineering and Risk ManagementIndustrial Engineering and Innovation ManagementInformation Systems and EconomicsInformation, Library and Archival ScienceJournal of Computational and Financial EconometricsJournal of Control, Measurement & InstrumentationJournal of Human Resource DevelopmentJournal of Systems Analysis and IntegrationLand Resource ManagementManufacturing and Service Operations ManagementPopulation, Resources & Environmental EconomicsSocial Medicine and Health ManagementSocial Security and Administration ManagementStatistics & Quantitative EconomicsTourism Management and Technology EconomyEducation & PsychologyAdult and Higher EducationAdvances in Educational Technology and PsychologyAdvances in Vocational and Technical EducationApplied & Educational PsychologyCurriculum and Teaching MethodologyTransactions on Comparative EducationElectronics, Survey & DrawingAcoustics, Speech and Signal ProcessingAntennas and PropagationDetection Technology and Automation EquipmentField-Programmable Gate ArraysInformation Retrieval, Systems and ServicesInformation Systems and Signal Processing JournalInfrared and Millimeter WaveIntelligent Robots and SystemsInternational Journal of Surveying and MappingJournal of Avionics, Radar and SonarJournal of Biometrics, Identity and SecurityJournal of Electro Optics and LasersJournal of Electromagnetic Interference and CompatibilityJournal of Electronics and Information ScienceJournal of Image, Video and SignalsJournal of Integrated Circuits Design and TestJournal of Low Power Electronics and DesignJournal of Microwave and Terahertz EngineeringJournal of Power Electronics, Machines and DrivesJournal of UltrasonicsOptical CommunicationsOptical Fiber Sensor and CommunicationSolid-State Circuits and Systems-on-a-ChipTransactions on Real-Time and Embedded SystemsFisheries, Forestry & HydraulicsAdvances in Hydraulic EngineeringAquaculture and Fisheries ResourcesShip and Marine HydrodynamicsTransactions on ForestryGeosciences & EnvironmentAdvances in Physical OceanographyBig Geospatial Data and Data ScienceBiology, Chemistry, and Geology in MarineEnvironment and Climate ProtectionEnvironment, Resource and Ecology JournalGeodesy and GeophysicsGeoscience and Remote SensingInternational Journal of Geological Resources and Geological EngineeringJournal of Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric EnvironmentJournal of Cartography and Geographic Information SystemsJournal of Coastal Engineering ResearchJournal of Membrane TechnologyJournal of Sedimentary GeologyJournal of Structural and Quaternary GeologyJournal of Sustainable Development and Green BuildingsOffshore and Polar EngineeringPhysical and Human GeographySolid Earth and Space PhysicsToxicology and Health of EnvironmentTrends in MeteorologyHumanities & Social SciencesAdvances in BroadcastingArt and Performance LettersComputational Linguistics LettersInformation and Knowledge ManagementJournal of Human Movement ScienceJournal of Language Testing & AssessmentJournal of Political Science ResearchJournal of Sociology and EthnologyLecture Notes on HistoryLecture Notes on Language and LiteratureMedia and Communication ResearchMilitary and Armament SciencePhilosophy JournalScience of Law JournalMathematics, Physics & NuclearAcoustics, Optics and Radio PhysicsCombinatorics and Graph TheoryComplex Analysis and GeometryComputational Fluid DynamicsDynamical Systems and Differential EquationsJournal of Compressors and RefrigerationJournal of Nonlinear Science and ComplexityJournal of Photonics ResearchJournal of Physics Through ComputationJournal of Probability and Mathematical StatisticsJournal of Theoretical Physics FrontiersMultibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics and ControlNuclear Techniques and ApplicationsNumerical Algebra and Scientific ComputingOperational Research and CyberneticsProgress in Atomic and Molecular PhysicsProgress in Plasma PhysicsResearch and Practice of Mathematics & StatisticsTransactions on Computational and Applied MathematicsTransactions on Condensed Matter PhysicsTransactions on Particle and Nuclear PhysicsMechanics & MachineryChemical Process EquipmentCybernetics and MechatronicsDigital Manufacturing and Process ManagementEngineering and Solid MechanicsFluid and Power MachineryFracture and Damage MechanicsFrontiers in TribologyFuels and CombustionInternational Journal of Power Engineering and Engineering ThermophysicsJournal of Assembly and ManufacturingJournal of Engineering Mechanics and MachineryJournal of Precision Instrument and MachineryJournal of Robotics and BiomimeticsMechanical Vibration and NoiseMicro-Electro-Mechanical SystemsThermal Power EngineeringUltra-Precision Machining ProcessVacuum Science JournalMine, Safety & EnergyEnergy Conversion ResearchFrontiers in Power and Energy SystemsInternational Journal of Oil and Gas Science and EngineeringJournal of Metallurgy and Mineral ProcessingJournal of Mining Engineering and Safety TechnologySmart Systems and Green EnergyPharmacology, Biology & MedicineAcademic Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyAdvances in Immunology and VaccinesAdvances in Industrial Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical SciencesAdvances in Physiology and PathophysiologyBacterial Genetics and EcologyBacteriology and MicrobiologyCardiology and Vascular SystemDigestive Disease and DiabetesFrontiers of Obstetrics and GynecologyHematology and Stem CellJournal of Animal Science and VeterinaryJournal of Bioinformatics and BiomedicineJournal of Biophysics and EcologyJournal of Enzyme EngineeringJournal of Intelligent Informatics and Biomedical EngineeringJournal of Neurobiology and GeneticsJournal of Reproductive Medicine and ContraceptionJournal of Respiratory and Lung DiseaseJournal of Vision and OphthalmologyMedical Imaging and Nuclear MedicineMEDS Basic MedicineMEDS Chinese MedicineMEDS Clinical MedicineMEDS Public Health and Preventive MedicineMEDS StomatologyNanomedicine and Drug DeliveryOrthopaedics and Sports MedicinePediatrics and Child HealthRehabilitation Engineering & Assistive TechnologyTransactions on CancerTransactions on Cell and Developmental BiologyTextile ScienceLight Industry Technology and EngineeringTextiles and Clothing DesignTraffic & TransportationFrontiers in Traffic and Transportation EngineeringJournal of Connected VehiclesJournal of Vehicle and Intelligent Transport SystemPrognostics, Diagnostics and Health ManagementUrban Transport SystemsVehicular Electronics and Safety
Keywords: Accepted papers list. Acceptance Rate. EI Compendex. Engineering Index. ISTP index. ISI index. Impact Factor.
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