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    ConferenceDeadline DateCountry
    1.16th International Conference on E-business, Management and Economics (ICEME 2025)2025-06-052025-07-11China
    2.15th International Conference on Business and Economics Research (ICBER 2025)2025-06-052025-07-11China
    3.2025 4th International Conference on Networks, Communications and Information Technology (CNCIT 2025)2025-06-042025-07-04China
    4.2025 4th International Conference on Signal Processing, Information System and Cyber Security (SPISCS 2025)2025-06-042025-07-04China
    5.2025 10th International Conference on Electromechanical Control Technology and Transportation (ICECTT 2025)2025-06-012025-06-06China
    6.The 8th International Conference on Material Strength and Applied Mechanics (MSAM 2025)2025-05-312025-07-11China
    7.7th International Conference on Power and Energy Technology (ICPET 2025)2025-05-302025-07-04China
    8.5th International Conference on Information Communication and Software Engineering (ICICSE 2025)2025-05-302025-07-04China
    9.10th International Conference on Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (ICMAI 2025)2025-05-302025-07-04China
    10.2025 4th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Security (ICSPCS 2025)2025-05-302025-06-06China
    11.2025 10th International Symposium on Energy Science and Chemical Engineering (ISESCE 2025)2025-05-302025-06-06China
    12.8th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Green Energy (CEEGE 2025)2025-05-252025-07-04China
    13.11th International Conference on Culture, Languages, and Literature(ICCLL 2025)2025-05-252025-07-04China
    14.2025 2nd International Symposium on New Energy Technologies and Power Systems (NETPS 2025)2025-05-232025-05-25China
    15.13th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Wireless Optical Communications(ICWOC 2025)2025-05-202025-06-27China
    16.4th International Conference on Image Processing and Media Computing (ICIPMC 2025)2025-05-202025-06-27China
    17.2025 International Conference on Applied Statistics, Modeling and Big Data (ASMBD 2025)2025-05-162025-05-23China
    18.2025 4th International Conference on the Energy Internet and Energy Interactive Technology (EIEIT 2025)2025-05-162025-05-18China
    19.2025 International Conference on Environmental Monitoring and Ecological Restoration(EMER 2025)2025-05-162025-05-18China
    20.The 10th Int'l Conference on Geohazards Research and Prevention(GRP 2025)2025-05-152025-05-26China
    21.The 6th Int'l Symposium on Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences(SAOS 2025)2025-05-152025-05-26China
    22.The 6th Int'l Conference on Surveying and Geoinformation(CSG 2025)2025-05-152025-05-26China
    23.5th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (SEAI 2025)2025-05-102025-06-20China
    24.9th International Conference on Power Energy Systems and Applications (ICoPESA 2025)2025-05-102025-06-20China
    25.9th International Conference on High Performance Compilation, Computing and Communications (HP3C 2025)2025-05-102025-06-18China
    26.7th World Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (WSAI 2025)2025-05-102025-06-18China
    27.10th International Conference on Distance Education and Learning (ICDEL 2025)2025-05-052025-06-13China
    28.8th International Conference on Education Research and Policy (ICERP 2025)2025-05-052025-06-13China
    29.6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning(PRML 2025)2025-05-052025-06-13China
    30.2025 IEEE 7th International Conference on Communications, Information System and Computer Engineering(CISCE 2025)2025-05-022025-05-09China
    31.2025 International Conference on Geophysics, Exploration and Development2025-05-022025-05-09China
    32.2025 International Conference on Bridge & Tunnel Construction and Engineering(BTCE 2025)2025-05-022025-05-09China
    33.2025 International Conference on Energy Storage and Energy Conversion(ESEC 2025)2025-05-022025-05-09China
    34.17th International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation (ICCMS 2025)2025-05-012025-06-10China
    35.4th World Symposium on Electrical Systems (WSES 2025)2025-05-012025-06-08China
    36.2025 International Conference on Robotics Systems and Automation Engineering(RSAE 2025)2025-05-012025-06-06China
    37.2025 Asia-Pacific Conference on Marine Intelligent Systems and Technologies (MIST 2025)2025-04-302025-11-06China
    38.The 15th Int'l Conference on Geology and Geophysics(ICGG 2025)2025-04-252025-05-26China
    39.The 8th Int'l Conference on Forestry and Animal Husbandry(FAH 2025)2025-04-252025-05-23China
    40.The 12th Int'l Agricultural Science and Food Engineering Conference(ASFE 2025)2025-04-252025-05-23China
     First <<50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59  End 

    2024年会议论文征稿 长期征稿 会议论文 丛书论文集 高录用 出版快 Elsevier (Ei(1)| Academic Conferences Ltd(1)| Academy Publication 出版社期刊征稿(1)| Aussino Academic Publishing House (AAPH) 出版社会议论文集征(2)| Aussino Academic Publishing House (AAPH);Aussino A(1)| Beijing(16)| Boya Century Publishing (BCP);Boya Century Publish(1)| Changchun(2)| Changsha(1)| Changzhou(1)| Chengdu(23)| Chengdu, China(1)| Chongqing(11)| Clausius Scientific Press (CSP) 克劳修斯科学出版社 Clausius(1)| Dalian(2)| Darcy & Roy Press 出版社期刊 会议论文集 丛书征稿 Darcy & Roy Pr(1)| Dongguan(2)| Dongguan, China(1)| Fujian, Xiamen(2)| Fuzhou(2)| Guang(1)| Guangzhou(13)| Guangzhou, China(2)| Guilin(3)| Guilin, China(4)| Guiyang(1)| Haikou(8)| Hangzhou(6)| Hangzhou, China(2)| Harbin(4)| Hefei(1)| Hohhot(2)| Hong Kong(11)| Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Cl(1)| Hong kong, SAR, China(1)||| Huzhou(2)| IEEE Press, IEEE CS CPS, Springer, Elsevier, IOP, (1)| IGI Global Book Publishing - Scopus 数据库收录 征集 Scopu(1)| IGI Global 图书章节征稿; IGI Global Book Publishing - Sc(1)| Jilin(1)| Jinan(3)| Kunming(7)| Kunming, China(8)| Lanzhou(1)| Leshan, China(1)| Liaocheng(1)| Lingshui(2)| Luoyang(1)| Macau(10)| nanjing(16)| Nanning(2)| Nanning, China(1)| Ningbo(1)| Online(1)| Qingdao(6)| Qingdao, China(1)| Quanzhou(1)| Room 301, No.7, the First Street of Kehui Jingu, N(1)| Sanya(2)| sanyan(1)| Sci-Hub(SCI)(Ei)(CPCI)(SCI期刊纸质版修订(会议论文集)封面和目录 全文 (1)| SCI/EI,SCI期刊,中科院四区,EI期刊,EI目录,SCI目录,SCI会议,EI,EI检索会议(1)| SCOPUS期刊 【Elsevier(爱思唯尔)】;SCOPUS期刊、书籍和会议论文集系列征稿(1)| shanghai(29)| Shenyang(6)| Shenzhen(8)| Shunde(1)| Springer Proceedings in Physics ISSN: 0930-8989 EI(1)| Suzhou(4)| Taicang(2)| Taicang, Jiangsu(2)| Taiyuan(1)| Tianjin(1)| TMR Publishing Group 出版社期刊; TMR出版集团(TMR Publishing(1)| Trans Tech Publications Ltd (Switzerland). 学术期刊 会议(1)| WEP Warwick Evans Publishing (WEP) 旗下英文普刊 期刊征稿;WEP(1)| wuahn(1)| wuhan(1992)| Wuxi(7)| Xi'an(19)| Xi'an·China(1)| Xiamen(3)| Xiamen, China(6)| Yangzhou(2)| Yantai(1)| Yinchuan(1)| Zhangye(1)| Zhengzhou(2)| Zhuhai(1)| 克劳修斯科学出版社 《Clausius Scientific Press (CSP)》 外文期刊 会(1)| 武汉(1)|